Monday 22 April 2013

Cellphone Stun Gun Saves Grandma

Cellphone Stun Gun Saves Grandma It took weeks to convince his grandmother that she should carry getting some non-lethal protection. What did the trick was hearing about a neighbor who used pepper spray to foil a mugging attempt for public transit stop.

One sunny afternoon Grandma was in a very bus stop, chatting companionably considering the new mother as she crooned to her two month old baby.

“It all where to buy pepper spray happened so fast! A few flashlight stun gun minutes there we were just on it enjoying the baby. A subsequent minute that man ran up, grabbed the strap of her bag, and tried to assume removed from her. She started screaming, keychain pepper spray her infant started crying, and – I don’t know – Spa got mad.

“I was holding my cellphone stun gun pink stun gun inside hand, much like my grandson informed me to attempt, and I just reached over and put on the extender on taser gun for women that man’s arm. He screamed and sort fell K95 stun gun over. It looks like he couldn’t make his legs work right.”

“Right about than the bus came, in order that mommy and that i gathered up her stuff along with baby and also we got within the bus and left the guy right where he was. Public transit driver taken into consideration him after which at us. He just started laughing.”

“Good work, ladies. He probably deserved whatever you gave him.”

“I hope he learned his lesson.”

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